Chambers Island -- Door County, WI

Land For Sale

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Chambers Island

North end of the Island


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Lot on the North End
(near the Dock)

  • 5 acres, near marina
  • Barn
  • Drilled Well
  • Water View

Click Here for:

2 - 5 acre parcels on the West side
(Parcels are adjoining)

(Parcels are adjoining)


Parcel #1
  • Has a large clearing and a small, rustic shed for tractor, storage, etc



Parcel #2
  • Has a clearing and a smaller, rustic shed for storage


Click Here for:

18 acres on the SouthWest end


  • Huge 2 1/2 acre meadow near the west side beach

  • Beach easement
    {beach is 385' from land}

  • Newly added Well

  • Water View




Some Island Pics


Our Island Swimming Beach



North Bay Beach


Sunset over the Inland Lake - pic by Capt Mike


Lot Locations


The old silo greets you - at the Island's Marina


Our Island Swimming Beach



North Bay Beach


Heading to Chambers


Click here for
Island Maps



Sunset over the Inland Lake - pic by Capt Mike


Fresh Fish from the Island - Right off the Pan


Hauling a new fire-ring to Chambers (for better grilling)


I love this grill.
Got steak?


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